In the "Life" Section
I have a long standing belief that video stores are poorly organized. I never know where to go to look for the video I want to see. Take for instance, a few months ago when my wife wasn’t feeling well. She sent me to the video store to pick up her favorite sinful pleasure. Sex and the City. So I show up at blockbuster looking for the series figuring it would be in the television series section. Blockbuster however does not have a TV section so it was left to plan B. I looked in romance section. Foiled again… The comedy section… There I found a few copies of the DVD, but not the one I was looking for. Realizing that the ones I had seen were from the older seasons I deduced that the best place to look would be in the new release category under “S”. Finally I found the Video I was looking for, after wandering for a good five minutes.
To me it seems that it would make much more sense if instead of having all these different sections, I would have faired better if it was all in one line and arranged alphabetically. I always know the title of the movie I am looking for, it is just that I am not sure that it fits into one of the pre set categories. The same goes for music stores. I am not sure if the CD I am looking for is alternative, rock, pop, reggae, emo, or any of the above. Just let me find it without having to decide on a category before I look. A while back the Lord showed me that my Life in some ways is like a video/music store. It makes a heck of a lot more sense to drop all the silly categories made up by other people and just be who I am. I realized that I had a school Thomas, a family Thomas, a husband Thomas, a church Thomas, not to be confused with the pastor Thomas, and even a quiet time Thomas. I realized all the categories I was living in and took the proper measures to change them…in my mind. But when I get down to it, have I really changed anything at all. Did all I really do is come to an understanding of something that plagues me and the Christian culture as a whole, or did I really do something about it for myself. The answer sadly is that I have done little to eliminate the categories in my life. I realized this while driving today. Even this journal over the past few days has become a product of my Quiet time category. I want to have quiet times, but not give them their own category. I want to go to church but I don’t want to have church become a category in my life. It goes for every area. So here is what I feel I need to do. This blog, now 4 days old, will cease to have categories. It is called a "life" journal for crying out loud. There will be short essays like this one, there will always be daily journal entries, there may be humor, pictures, just about anything that could fit into the category of life, my only category. I want desperately to get rid of these categories in my life so I want it to start here. I no longer want to be a pastor at times, a Christian at times, a husband at times, and a blogger at times. I am a Human who is on a spiritual journey. You can find me, Thomas in the “T” section.
You always ask me why I love you and this article reminds of the millions of reasons why. You are amazing. I love you. P.S. Try not to tell everyone that I like Sex in the City. Kinda personal.
10:55 PM
Hey, Thomas! Ok, you and Pastor Tom inspired me to start a new journal, as my life path is drastically changing and I want to be able to record my growth. And I was looking through your past entries, and this one touched me because I can relate so well. I've constantly felt like I was living several different lives, cross-referenced in different areas, shapes, and forms. And it makes for a pretty confusing and contrasting time. It's like I know where I want to be, but I am taking many different paths to get there.
Anyways, after reading your entry, it made me feel better about all this. To know that you, someone I look up to spiritually and as a person, goes through these same sort of struggles, makes you more human, and makes me less awkward! I want to thank you for being so persistant with me, and not letting me slip through the cracks. That means so much to me. You and Mellissa have made such an impact on my life, I thank you!
3:28 PM
I like Sex in the city but only with my wife. Never think I would watch such a show.
9:19 PM
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