Treasure Hunt
Here’s a reality that I don’t live in. There are rewards in heaven for the way we live our life on earth. Actually I am quite surprised by Jesus’ response to this question. If I were JC I would have explained to Peter that the joy of serving the Lord is joy enough for him. I would ask him to stop grumbling, because he is working for the Lord. But of course this is nothing like what Jesus says.
I was surprised to read that Jesus explains to Peter at some length that he can count on treasures in heaven for every good act he does. But how can this be. Is it ok to have selfish heavenly motivation? Can I give to others and rejoice in the heavenly rewards I will have? Is this what Jesus intended? I am not sure if I have taken this too far but I want to live in the heavenly treasure reality. I want to start laying them up for myself. I have never really thought about them in regards to my Christian walk. I always knew that treasure awaited me in heaven, but I want to be anxious for it because it appears that this is what Christ encourages us to do.
Of course I am reminded of another of Jesus sayings. On a couple of occasions he said about the arrogant that they have their reward in full. So I see that if I am not careful with my pride I may not be able to look forward to the treasures that await. What a catch 22.
God, help me to strip down my pride and arrogance. I want to live anxiously awaiting the treasures I have stored up and the treasures I will store up. I realize that this is a focus for ministry, not the focus. Pleasing you will still be first in my heart. Help me to make sure of that. Tonight and tomorrow as I live my life, remind me of the treasure principle, and help me to set up a pattern that turns into a lifestyle that lives in ready expectation for the rewards you will pour out on me in heaven. I love you Lord.
I think, ultimately, giving ourselves to God is a selfish act. Because we do it, knowing that we will have a better eternity.
(Although I never really thought about that before.)
11:31 PM
Do you think that our treasures in heaven are like our crowns and we will ultimately cast them at His feet?
2:08 AM
I don't think the treaures in heaven are material items at all and we shouldn't expect something material even if we are to cast them at His feet. But Christ doesn't say that if you do not do good deeds then you don't go to heaven, just that greater things will come to you if you do. Something only for you, that only you would know of. If we give expecting great riches, then pride is in play, if we give to give and be thankful for whatever reward Christ has promised us, we shall know what it is.
12:54 AM
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