i wish i was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off. - eddie vedder

Saturday, April 09, 2005

Godly People

2 Corinthians 9:9 – Godly people give generously to the poor.

Sometimes when I read the bible I tend to skip over sections. It’s not that I don’t read them, it is just that I don’t give them thought after I have read them. What that is really doing is handcuffing the word of God. It strips it of all its power. It takes away its ability to transform my life. So often I look into the mirror and don’t change my appearance metaphorically speaking. This verse is a great example. I read 2 Corinthians 9 today and it was one of those “Great what am I going to blog about” days. I started meditating on this verse above and it hit me like a rock. The God’s honest truth that I don’t give generously to the poor. I may have a couple of times in my life, but it is not a regular habit in my life. My lifestyle therefore is not that of a Godly person.

As I write this I am thinking about how my life is going to change. Should I go out there, leaving my wife and daughter to be at home, and give away the money we are saving for a home? I have to confess that I just had the thought that I would write this and change nothing about my life. But something has to change, or I am as foolish as that guy in the mirror. What is the Christian response to giving in this day and age?


Here’s the deal God. I can’t give everything I have to the poor. I can give generously. I can’t give to every poor person I see, but I can give to a few. Give me opportunities to prove my godliness in this way, and I hope not to fail you. You are worth it.


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