i wish i was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off. - eddie vedder

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Holy Spirit Led...

Matthew 4:1 - Then Jesus was led out into the wilderness by the Holy Spirit to be tempted there by the Devil.


I had never realized that Jesus was led by the holy spirit to be tempted? I remember being taught throughout my childhood God never tempts us. I guess that is true but it seems here that he may as well have. He brought Jesus to the tempter himself. I am not sure if this is a Jesus only thing, or if God brings us to places of temptation. I guess we need to know why God did this for Jesus? I don’t have a good answer for that. I am not sure why that had to happen. I guess it served to make Jesus more human, in that he faced the same temptations that we face. Either way I haven’t ever felt like I was tempted by the Lord and I am thankful for that.


I am not real sure what is going on here Lord, but the bottom line is that I know you are good and I trust your judgment more than my own rationale. Take first place in my life, and don’t let the temptations I deal with ensnare me.


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