The Crowd Favorite
Genesis 39:3-4a – “Potiphar noticed this and realized that the Lord was with Joseph, giving him success in everything he did. So Joseph naturally became quite a favorite with him.”
You know what I learn from this verse? I see this verse teaching a clear principle. If the Lord is with us, people who don’t know the lord will “naturally” favor us. This makes no earthly sense but this is the pattern that Joseph experienced, and I believe that God could make that true to this day. I felt inspired to write on this verse in light of a comment I received in an earlier post, and to sort of follow up on my last journal entry. I shared in my last entry about my conviction about not being as attractive to non Christians as I should be, at least not even remotely close to where Jesus was. After sharing that as best as I could I received this comment:
being non-christian & being a "sinner" are not synonymousperhaps you could consider that what might be driving people away is your small-minded judgemental attitude towards them
Let me say this and say it with complete sincerity, I appreciate this comment. I disagree with the the premise and the suggestion, but I appreciate the outside view point. What good is any of this with out the view points of people outside of my set of beliefs. But in all honesty, I feel that I am as non judgemental as I can be. So taking that comment into account and this scripture I think I have the answer. I need to not care som much about what the sinner/non believer think of me and focus squarely on what the Lord thinks of me, while at the same time being completely real and honest. If my main focus is squarely on him then, he will bless my life, allow me to be a blessing to others and in turn I will find favor in their eyes. It worked for joseph, why not for me. This is not to excuse myself from a personal call to make relationships with all people, christian or not. So in light of that I am going to write my intentions so that I wil be forced to followthrough with them because of the accountability that this blog demands. I want to build a friendship with a guy named Joe who works with me for my father in law. He is a really nice guy, who looks like he could use some friends. He lives about an hour away, but I think its worth it. No it is worth it. Be praying for that and hold me accountable.
Lord, help me to focus more on you because I know that your word says this is when I will find favor in the eyesof the world. My sole deire is to please you but I believe you are pleased when I am in relationship with those not like me, just as Jesus was. Let me have your favor first and then the favoe of the world. I pray that you help me to build a rlatinship with joe, and that he would come to our mens breakfast. Help me to show him to your love, use me to love him. I love you lord.
Just a suggestion Thomas, why don't you go out to breakfast with Joe just the two of you before asking him to come to men's breakfast. My experience is that if I show someone that I am interested in their friendship first and foremost and not interested in just getting them to come to my church, they take my sincerity more seriously. Love without expecting anything at all.
8:29 AM
Thats a good idea. I think my plan is to invite him over to pay some video games, or catch a movie or something. We have done a couple of deliveries together and there is no faster way to buid a friendship than sitting in a car for hours together. I am also going to be doing his wedding and premarital counseling, but I need to befriend thins guy, youre right.
9:50 AM
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