Rivals Schmivals
Genesis 22:2-3 - "Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you." The next morning Abraham got up early. He saddled his donkey and took two of his servants with him, along with his son Isaac. Then he chopped wood to build a fire for a burnt offering and set out for the place where God had told him to go.”
No debate? No questioning the Lord? No questioning your hearing? How can this be. I tell you right now I would be questioning the Lord if he said this to me. I don’t have a son but the person I love most in this world is my wife. If I heard the Lord call me to sacrifice her I have no clue how I would respond? I can guarantee that I would put up more than a fight than this guy did.
The real meaning behind this story is (at least I hope it is) that I need to be willing to lay down anything if the Lord calls me to. I need to be willing to say I will never spend one more moment of my life with __________ (insert precious pastime or person here). Of course the Lord would never call me to give up a few of those things most precious to me, but there are others he could. If you read my profile you’ll find out that videogames are one of my hobbies. That may be an understatement. I tend to become obsessed with them. I need to be willing to sacrifice my Xbox as a burnt offering to the Lord. I really love the sport of baseball, but I need to be willing to never check another score or watch another game for the Lord. But I know him well enough to know that he does not taking joy in stealing the things I love in my life. He just wants what is due to him, first place in my life, and I know that sometimes he takes away his rivals. It seems dirty by our rules, but then again he made up the rules.
Lord, let nothing rival you in my life. Be my first desire. When things get in front of you I give you permission to remove them or to ask me to remove them. You are the most important part of my life. Help me to keep it that way. I love you.
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