Everybody Hates Funerals
About a week ago I got my first call to do a funeral. I said yes. Since then I have been living in this general fear of tomarrow, at 2pm. I don’t know anyone who is going to be there, nor the deceased, but I am a little scared. I have to admit that I am feeling better than I ever have about it, thanks to those who have been prayng for me, but let me tell you what I am really afraid of. I not so afraid that I have to speak infront of people, or that I might mess up my words. More than anything I am afraid that they will take one look at me, and say…this is the pastor??? For those of you who know me let me put you in on a little secret. Most of whatever confidence I seem to have is an act. I am actually quite insecure. And this time it is not even so much about me. This is someones mother for crying out loud. They don’t want some kid putting the period on her life. So for a while I thought about buying a clerical shirt with those straight collars. My wife and all of my tribe thought that was a pretty dumb idea. So tomorrow at 2 I am just going to go out there and face it. I have been praying all week for courage and the Lord has been filling me with that, a little more each day, but if you can remember, say a prayer for me when you finish reading this. Also pray that I am able to bring the gospel effectively to a primarily unchurched crowd. Maybe I should pray all this stuff too.
Lord I pray that you would help me to remember that no one should look down on me because of my age. Fill me continually with the sober reality of the honor it is to be part of this service. Help me to glorify you in this service. Use me to change peoples hearts for you. Let this be a healing time for the family. Help them to enjoy the service. Be with me, I need your holy spirit. amen
Hey, I am hopelessly lost here. I just sent what I thought was a response, but sent it to Pete, I think. Anyway, bless you for your willingness to expose your insecurity and serve God and these people anyway. Rom 12:11 jumped to my mind as I read your note. We will pray, you will be there at 2:00 and God will do what only he can do. Way to go, Thomas. Tom McC
8:06 AM
Thanks for all your encouragement guys. I appreciate knowing there are people praying for me. I'll report back to you later. thanks a lot.
11:31 AM
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