i wish i was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off. - eddie vedder

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Save Now Spend Later

Genesis 50:20 – “As far as I am concerned, God turned into good what you meant for evil. He brought me to the high position I have today so I could save the lives of many people.”
I have never realized it before but Joseph and I have the same story. I don’t mean that I have a fruity coat, or that I was sold into egyptian slavery, but we have a lot of life in common. From this quote I see it. I always relate myself to other people in scripture like Moses or Paul, but I have never had this relationship with Joseph. Up until a few years ago I thought I had no testimony. I just remembered going to church as a kid and that was about the beginning, but the real beginning goes back several years before that. It actually starts with my parents. My parents made a career choice before I was born to be what I like to call “illegal horticulturalists”. That is what I was born into. I look around today and I take a look at all of my childhood playmates, and realize that quite a few of them are dead, and the rest are living pretty painful lives. Granted I have had some times of pain in my life which I will save for another entry, but I have been blessed by the Lord. What the enemy of my soul ment for evil God used for good. Kids born into my situation, don’t often have much of a shot in life. I know I often write kids like that off. There is one young boy in our churchwho I have done this too. I got to tell you that I have had the thought before that this kid doesn’t have a chance in the world. He is only a few years old, but just looking at his situation, there doesn’t seem to be much hope. But I of all people sould have hope for him, because the Lord has made an example out of me. I count myself blessed by God to have the oppertunities that I have today. As for the second part of the verse I am trusting the Lord to make good on that side of the coin. I have to believe that God brought me out of the life I was born into for a reason. I have to believe that he wants to save a lot of people through me, and that’s the point of this whole thing. We kind of have an agreement, me and God. Because he brought me out of the pit I could have been in, I will always live my life for him. It’s a good deal on my end. But I want so desparately to be used by God to save many people. Let me state that more plainly. I exist to be used by God to save many people. I have no problems with that, it is my purpose. I am thankful for reading this passage toinght. I feel like the Lord may be planting a new life verse in me. He is who he is, and I want every bit of him.
Lord help me to not write anyone off because of their present circumstances. You have brought me from so much, help me to believe that you can and will do the same for others. Help me to take part in these two things that Joseph talks about here. Help me to take joy in where I have come from. Use those experiences, to change the world through me. I need you to be mine, I will be yours. Please use me.


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