i wish i was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off. - eddie vedder

Saturday, January 22, 2005

I Made It

JUst wanted to post and say thanks to everyone who prayed for my previous post. I made it. It was one of those funerals where no one feels comfortable. Aparently nobody but her children really liked this woman, but her children seemed to really care about her. And I got to share the gospel with them. That was awesome. I led the whole church in a sinners prayer, and I am sure that most of them were not believers. Some of them looked at me funny, others affirmed me in what I said. I just did what I felt called to do. There were some people there who appeared to have lived a lot of life if you know what I mean. One guy wore a g-unit tshirt to his moms memorial. He was missing some theeth and looked a little strung out. Those are the people who jesus spent time with, and preached to. It was an honor to do that.
Lord I pray for those who were at the funeral today. I am not sure if any of them made decisions for you, but for those that haven't, I pray that my words and this ladys death would stick with them and direct them to you. Thank you for this chance, and choosing me. I pray that you would use me and this moment to turn around that entire family for you. In jesus name - amen


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thomas, just like you said you didn't understand my fears/insecurities, I could say the same. You have no reason to fear people. It's funny I should be saying this to you, but isn't it somewhat encouraging that other people actually have fears and insecurities also? That's what I love about our blogs. We have the chance to get to know eachother on a completely different level. As Tom said, a deeper level. Thanks for you transparency. And as wierd as it sounds, thanks for having fears and insecurities. Gina

1:23 AM


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