i wish i was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off. - eddie vedder

Friday, February 11, 2005

A Strapping Young Man

I have two Jobs. Truth is I have never had a full time job before. This is not to say that I don't work full time now. I do, just not all at one place. I was talking with some guys from my tribe tonight, and we were talking about work and worship and how we can worship at work (funny thing is that I am preaching on this exact topic tomorrow night). I shared that I am good at serving the Lord in one sense at my job. That one sense is doing everything I can to win my coworkers with the gospel. At the same time I really suck at worshipping the Lord at work in another sense. That sense is working with excellence. I am called to work as hard for my boss as I would if it were JC himself.
I am not a terrible employee, there are just some small things that I don't do, just because I don't want to, and this should not be. The one thing that comes to mind is rolling straps. I drive a delivery truck for a machine shop (which happens to be run by my father in law which makes worship extra difficult). We have these filthy oil soaked straps that we use to tie everything down that we transport. At one point theses straps were a solid bright yellow. Now they are a frayed, steel splinter infested, and two shades short of being black. I hate rolling those dang things. They give me splinters, they get the grossest shop grease all over my hands, and the worst thing is that I am the only one who does it. Every time I come to work and the truck had been used, all the straps would be wadded up in a heap/knot, ready for me to get dirty and splintered. I hate them.
But I know what my mission is now. I need to be excellent in the way of the straps as well. I am sorry if this does not make sense to you, but it is a calling I have. How can I preach on this tomorrow if I don't live it the day before. So tomorrow morning, I am going to get up and go out to the truck and wind up the straps that I piled up. I am not looking forward to it, but I have to believe that the Lord will be pleased by that.
Lord help me to worship you at work. Show me ways that I can have more integrity at work, and bring you more worship. I am sorry for not representing you quite as much as I could.


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