i wish i was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off. - eddie vedder

Thursday, February 10, 2005

The Unknown God

Acts 17:23 – “for as I was walking along I saw your many altars. And one of them had this inscription on it – 'To an Unknown God.' You have been worshiping him without knowing who he is, and now I wish to tell you about him.”
Sometimes I feel like I am just praying to myself. I say my prayers but I don’t really even think of who I am praying to or what he did for me. I will sit in my room and make my requests, with no thought into who I am actually praying to. Does this matter? It is like talking to a person, But I have fallen into such a rut in some ways that it is more like am talking to myself.
I realize that this is not what this verse is really talking about, but I asked myself this question after reading this. Do I worship and pray to him and not really know who he is? How often do I do that in my times of worship. I say the words, but how many of them are actually directed to God. How many of them are sung the same way I would sing I saw the sign by ace of bass. It takes some real intense concentration to really mean the words you say, whether it be prayer or song.
God deserves that. I am not very good at paying attention. Maybe it is years of exposure to video games, or maybe it is my diet that consists of unhealthy amounts of sugar, but I for one am not really paying attention to what I am saying most of the time. I respond out of habit. I am sure that I will do this again, but I know that I am saying right now that no response to my Lord should be out of habit or routine. He is worth so much more to me than that. I want to cease using meaningless mumbo jumbo and tell him exactly what I mean. He deserves my focus and my attention even more than that. From today on I will do my best to be even more real before him. He is worth it.
God I know that even in this space I have written prayers that mean nothing to me. Don’t let this be one. I am sorry for doing that. Your death and your love for me makes this worth it. Forgive me for not esteeming you higher. Help me to focus on you better. Teach me. I have often concluded with a short statement of worship, but today I mean it more than ever…I am yours.


Blogger .justin said...

"I want to cease using meaningless mumbo jumbo and tell him exactly what I mean."
Good word Thomas. I love when God speaks to us through His scripture that is TOTALLY out of context and He uses it to teach Him something about ourselves or His character! Down with proper exegesis!!!
But seriously, how much better would we be as "disciplers" if wer cut the mumbo-jumbo, like you said and just said what we mean to God. It would offend the religious, encourage transparency, and not short God on the REAL life He is asking us to live before Him.
W I D E O P E N.

9:56 AM


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