i wish i was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off. - eddie vedder

Sunday, March 13, 2005

The Christian Conjurer

Galatians 4:23 - The son of the slave-wife was born in a human attempt to bring about the fulfillment of God's promise. But the son of the freeborn wife was born as God's own fulfillment of his promise.


This verse stood out to me this morning because I so often am like Abraham in this story. I want Gods promises to come about so badly that I will just conjure up something myself, throw a “property of god” label on it and call it the Holy Spirit. I am sure that we all must do this. What we are really doing when we do this is taking the Lords name in vain. We are taking something that we have created with our finite ability, and lowering God to that level, making him only as capable as we are. I really don’t like that I do this, but something in me tells me that God needs back up or something. Like when I lead worship, I know that I often have a backup plan. I will lead and provide a place for god to move, but if he doesn’t… I got his back. But the Lord doesn’t need me to fulfill his promises. He needs me to walk in them. What I wind up doing is stealing the amazing things that God wants to do. He wanted to be my plan B when his plan A seemed to fail (I have learned that chances are it didn’t fail, I just perceived it that way. I want to stop this and be better at trusting God and his promises.


Lord help me to trust you more. So many promises of yours can be missed, not just because we sin, but because we assume that your promises are too far fetched. We figure that we give you a window and expect you to jump through it. I am sorry for making you as small as I am. In reality you are much bigger. Help me to remember that and never have to get to plan b, because I know that your plan A can always work. I need to expect it, and you will be faithful. Thank you for always being faithful.


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