i wish i was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off. - eddie vedder

Sunday, March 20, 2005


I hate cancer. I am glad I had a chance to clear that up. Now let me tell you about a growing trend that is bothering me. I am not a fan of cancer accessories. Primarily those wristbands, but any kind of disease support apparel just doesn’t sit well with me. I realize that the proceeds go to fighting the disease, but I just am sick of the fashion statement they have become.

The wristbands all started just a short while ago with the Lance Armstrong “Livestrong” bracelets. They were yellow, and stood for disliking cancer. Then the pink ones came along for those who wanted to make the statement “I hate cancer, especially cancer that attacks breasts.” I have now seen red ones that step beyond cancer into the hatred of aids realm. Finally I saw a friend of mine wearing a purple bracelet. I asked him what it was for and he said it was for disease.

I guess the thing is I am not sure I understand the statement people are trying to make by wearing these accessories. 99.9 percent of the population hates these diseases too, what are you trying to get across? About six years ago the original statement bracelet came out. Unlike the others it was something that not everybody agreed on. Because of this they got sort of a bad wrap. You didn’t see every star wearing them on the red carpet. (Nothing matches better that a 50 thousand dollar dress and a two dollar yellow rubber bracelet) I didn’t even wear one of these bracelets even though I completely believed in the message. They simply asked WWJD?

I am not trying to start a campaign to bring back WWJD bracelets, I am simply curious especially when I read Romans 1:16 - I am not ashamed of the gospel, because it is the power of God for the salvation of everyone who believes. Since we can establish that it isn’t cheap bracelets that are out of fashion, can we conclude that the message these old bracelets carry is? Am I ashamed of my message? As much as I dislike aids and cancer, I dislike hell even more. It is said that in my part of the world something like one in five people get cancer at some point in their life. It is not my place to judge, but I bet that a lot more than that don’t know the Lord.

So here is what I ma not going to do. I will not decide to sport the WWJD bracelet. Instead I am going to make a commitment to hate hell more than any other disease in this world. It is the number one killer. I want to put all my efforts into stopping it. It isn’t going to take cheesy message accessories. I am just going to live it. Even if that goes out of style.


Blogger .justin said...

dude! i can't believe you are saying that. i LOVE my WWJD? bracelet collection. I've got all the colors, the rainbow one being my favorite. it reminds me how Jesus loves "all colors of the rainbow." I can't wait for the WWJD? magnetic car-ribbons to come out. long-live WWJD?.

9:51 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here is my perspective on wearing those rubber bracelets or nicer jewelry ones that stand for something.As a survivor of breast cancer I and most of my survivor sisters wear something pink as a sign to others to remember that cancer can strike anywhere anytime.I want others out there with cancer to be encouraged to see someone healthy who has made it. It is such an encouragement for us survivors to see others wearing these items because it shows us they care. That we are not isolated out there living seperate lives from "healthy" people. If I see a person wearing a pink ribbon I will usually go up to them and ask them about it. Its a great way to witness to others about how God has worked in my life through the cancer to bring me to a point of thanksgiving for how He has changed me. I also wear my plastic ones to elementary school where I work and everytime I will get at least one child making a comment about them. Usually they want me to get them one. They are very aware of what the colors stand for and they are serious about wearing them for the cause.I feel grateful to them for wearing the colors. Hope this gives you a little insight from one who has been there and done that.

7:07 PM


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