i wish i was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off. - eddie vedder

Monday, March 21, 2005

This Just In!

It's a girl! I was the only one who thought it would be a boy, and it looks like my prophetic ability has failed me again. Don't stone me or my little 3/4 pound daughter would be fatherless. I am so excited, and I say that word in its truest form. The doctors wouldn't come out and call it a girl, but they repetedly said "I don't see anything that would lead me to believe it's a boy." I am so amazed by this whole pregnancy process, and I am so thankful for my wife, and the wave she has bravely taken on this new part of our lives.

So be happy. I know that I am


Blogger .justin said...

I'm so happy for you guys, Thomas (& Mellissa)!!!

her Uncle Justin is proud!


10:15 AM

Blogger Just a girl.... said...

Wow, a girl! Congratulations you three!

11:44 AM

Blogger jimmy said...

congrats guys!!! can't wait to see who she looks like...

hopefully Mellissa.

5:57 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

YEAAAAAAAH! I can't wait to meet Ruby. Mellissa, you're boy name worries are over.

12:51 AM


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