Something Worth Living For
Acts 20:24 - But my life is worth nothing unless I use it for doing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus – the work of telling others the good news about Gods wonderful kindness and love.
Thomas’ Personalized Paraphrase
The Life that I live now is meaningless. I am a complete waste of space, and good for nothing. There is no reason for me to live…unless I use it in service to God. I need to get out there and stop wasting my life and tell people about God. Not just about him, but about how relationship with him is once again available. He truly is so loving and kind to make something like this possible.
God help me to live accordingly. Use me to increase your worship by adding to your kingdom. I really am worthless without you. In light of that fact help me to find my worth in you. If you could use anything Lord, you could use me.
I love how you say, "There is no reason for me to live…unless I use it in service to God." I like the in service to God part. I think I've spent most of my life thinking that my life was a waste of time unless I told everyone I came in contact with who Jesus was and why they needed him. It's been good for me over the last year to realize that my service to God is a great reason to live. Even if I never even say "Jesus". I love that God gives us specific personalized assignments. I love that only he can see the intentions of my heart and judge whether I am pleasing to him or not. That job does not belong to any human. And my assignment from God may be out of this world compared to everyone else. So what. God reserves the right to treat us as individuals and give us individual reasons for being on this planet at this exact time. Praise our perfect God. He is so good to us.
11:51 PM
Thomas, you may be viewing your life in this negative way, but I am here to say that there are people here that look up to you, and wish they could have as much God and faith inthemselves as you do. I know, I am one of them. I understand that you feel there is more that you can do, and only you and God know that. But never feel like you are a "waste of space". I know that I would not be as far as I am today without your support and continuous care. You knew just the words to say and how often to say them to get me to delve deeper in my own faith. Without you I would not be in Tribe, and eventually I may have just given up on myself forever. You are the type of person I strive to be. Please know that. You DO get out there. You DO save lives. You ARE a true disciplel of God, and I'm sure there are many more besides me who have you to thank for keeping them in God's family. God bless you, and I am praying for YOU for a change!
6:17 PM
thanks a lot crissi. I don't mean to be negative, I just want more of him and less of me, just like you do.
12:05 AM
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