The Myth of Burnout
Exodus 18:14-23 - When Moses' father-in-law saw all that Moses was doing for the people, he said, "Why are you trying to do all this alone? The people have been standing here all day to get your help." Moses replied, "Well, the people come to me to seek God's guidance. When an argument arises, I am the one who settles the case. I inform the people of God's decisions and teach them his laws and instructions." "This is not good!" his father-in-law exclaimed. "You're going to wear yourself out – and the people, too. This job is too heavy a burden for you to handle all by yourself. Now let me give you a word of advice, and may God be with you. You should continue to be the people's representative before God, bringing him their questions to be decided. You should tell them God's decisions, teach them God's laws and instructions, and show them how to conduct their lives. But find some capable, honest men who fear God and hate bribes. Appoint them as judges over groups of one thousand, one hundred, fifty, and ten. These men can serve the people, resolving all the ordinary cases. Anything that is too important or too complicated can be brought to you. But they can take care of the smaller matters themselves. They will help you carry the load, making the task easier for you. If you follow this advice, and if God directs you to do so, then you will be able to endure the pressures, and all these people will go home in peace."
Sorry I chose such a long passage, but the whole thing kept speaking to me. Today I read my friend gina’s blog (see my blog list to the right) and she got to talking a little bit about how she felt it important to guard her free time. I think that is so good for her, and she should stick to it.
Now let me say this: I think a lot of the time when people say something like this it is a crock. To state it plainly I do not believe in burn out, at least not in the sense that it is commonly used in the church in this day and age. I think burn out has become one of the most christianeese words I can think of, and to me it would be better translated, not being fed in my personal time with the Lord. When I look at my life, I have had times where I could relate to the feelings of burn out, but I notice that those times also coincide with dry times in my walk. So I would prefer if people gave me more info and rather than using the blanket statement – I’m burn out – I wish they would be honest and recognize that their problem is usually with their spiritual position. I have been there, and it sucks.
That being said, the reason why this verse stuck out to me was not because I am dealing with burn out. I am actually busier now that I have been at any time in my life, but I a feeling great. Since starting this blog my spiritual walk has enjoyed the consistency that I have rarely had before. That is all the more reason why this verse meant so much to me tonight.
Today I found out that starting next week I am going to be preaching at church three times a month on the second Saturday night service. I am so excited about this, mostly because I know that the Lord is growing me in this aspect, and I am excited to be used. On top of that we found out this week that we underpaid our taxes all year and owe a good sized chunk of change to uncle sam. To help cover that I am going to try to work an extra day a week for my father in law. I thought I was busy before. So as I got assigned all that preaching, I took on the task with what you might call a visual reluctance. I explained how I felt sure that I should do this, but at the same time, I had no extra time to offer. So what did I do? I took it on, Dan gave me this encouragement as I did so – this will force you to have to work through other people.
I took this statement to heart. Notice that I did not say “use” other people, it’s about working through other people. (I wish I could work through someone an extra day at the shop). But this verse really confirmed that in my life. Moses did it, and it worked great. I note that he was careful in his selection, and I need to be as well. I have all ready gotten one major chunk of my business delegated to a great servant, who has a true servants heart (see “journey to the character of god” blog to the right). I need to be praying about ways I can do this in other places of my ministry. I see exactly where Gina is coming from. I need to protect myself, but understand this – I am nowhere near burnt out!
Lord, help me to work through other people. It is my desire to release people in ministry, and to free myself up to do more. Help me to kill those two birds with one stone. Show me those honest men who aren’t bribeable. Use me as I preach in the future. Continue to provide for my family. I trust you to do so, and to take care of us in this crunch time. Help me to serve you more whole heartedly. Bring revival. amen
Thomas, I appreciate your point about "burn out" really being a time when you're not being fed in your personal time with God. This makes sense. The times in my life when I HAVE felt "burnt out" it's because I have allowed too much into my schedule, making my time with God pressured, confined, or just plain non-existent. But, there have also been times when I AM being fed in my time with God but, for example, work is very stressful, demanding, and exhausting. Psychologically, I need time away from it. But everyone handles their day to day routine and stressors differently and everyone copes on different levels. If I am getting stressed out about something else in my life AND my relationship with God isn't so hot, it doubles the stress. "Burn out" is a good red flag to make adjustments somewhere. For me, it's an immediate evaluation of how God and I are doing. Then, if that's going well, other things need adjusting.
12:05 AM
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