i wish i was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off. - eddie vedder

Thursday, January 27, 2005

Why Worship?

Let me ask a quick question. Today I was listening to a CD of preachers sharing during the revivals of the past. One of the guys shared that he was so in love with God, and that God was so worthy to be worshipped that even if he had to go to hell he would spend his whole life on earth serving God. I realize that this is one of those silly questions, that is the opposite of reality, but I think it is valid to see what we think of God and our motives for loving him. I am thinking this through, but let me know what you think. If you had to go to hell, would you still worship God while on earth?


Blogger .justin said...

yes, because He gives me a focus, or a "purpose" for my life. working a 9-5 in a cubicle would suck balls. But I get to work my whole life to further an idea of something greater than I. I'm being used. I'm valued. My life has meaning.

11:13 PM

Blogger Kerry said...

You mean, if there was no hope of my going to heaven, as in, wasn't saved? To be honest, no, probably not. The Spirit gives me praise simply because I am saved; and though I thank Him and praise Him for what He is doing with my life, it is being saved that inspires me the most. I think of the sacrifice that He made, that's what drives me most when I praise.

This may just be because of my continuing work with God. Though saved for a number of years, I have just recently come to a place where building my relationship with God is taking precedence over everythiing else. As I an only speak from where I am, I don't know if my feelings on it would change if my relationship with God was deeper. It would be easy for me to say, Of COURSE I would still praise him, what kind of Christian do you take me for? But I am being honest, and what you called a "silly question" will be something I pray about today. I'm curious to see what you think about it, because you have much more experience inyour walk, and because, well, you asked the question.

2:52 PM

Blogger Thomas said...

It is great to see you on here mad cow, and I love the name of the blog...vowel movement. It took me a few minutes to figure out who I was dealing with then, I went to your blog and saw the picture of the grey hound, and remembered the story and the rest was history. I am not sure if I am able to answer this question, but let me add to the discussion. I phrased the question the question in the "had to go to hell" way for a particular reason. Those guys on the cd thatI was listening to asked "what were you saved from?" were you saved from more than hell, when you came to God? Is life better like this or without him? But that is just in my head. Of course I know that my theology says I should worship him anyway, but when it comes down to it, this is my only life and I am going to live for the most fun I could possibly have. bring it on. Scripture says "eat drink and be merry, for tomarrow we die." this would be my attitude. I want God to change me and make the former true, but since this blog is an exercise in honesty I have to admit that chances are I would live my 75 years for me.

6:11 PM

Blogger jimmy said...

NO WAY!!!! I wouldn't do it. Sinning is just too much fun. Just keepin' it real.

10:04 PM

Blogger Thomas said...

great perspective. I am intrigued by the statement - hell would be just another place in which to worship. That opens up a whole can of worms. Is God glorified by those in hell? too deep for now, but I would love to hear your posts.

11:36 AM


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